Paris Dreams

People dream of living in Paris.
Paris for them is beauty, glamour, magic, all things life should be.

But every coin has two sides. People forget.
They dream of climbing the Eiffel tower, and looking at the amazing view.
But they don’t dream of standing in the 2-hour long lines just beneath.
They want to walk along the seine, just like some scene in a movie.
But they don’t want to travel in the metros, watching people getting mugged, feeling insecure about themselves.

They want to be free, take long walks, look at the Eiffel at night, yes the scene may be beyond magical, but don’t forget to keep en eye on your belongings, one second they’re there, and the other..poof!

No, i have nothing against Paris, it’s a beautiful place, with it’s tower, and Louvre and many other amazing things.
But no it’s not perfect, it’s not the city people dream it is.
It’s like any other city, a mix of beauty and..well..reality. 🙂Image